Code of Virtues

  • Laurel is working to enhance the image of the metaphysical community by living with personal & professional integrity.
  • Laurel keeps all readings and personal information confidential and discreet.
  • Laurel treats all people equally without prejudice of sex, ethnic background, color, race, religious affiliation or sexual preference.
  • Laurel encourages seekers to accept total responsibility for their lives and the choices they make in their lives.
  • Laurel honors others’ points of view, even those that differ from hers.
  • Laurel sets reasonable fees with no hidden costs.
  • Laurel scrupulously avoids fraudulent practice, and always strives for quality in readings and all metaphysical and spiritual work.
  • Laurel believes that we have free-will, complete choice in all things, that what we put out in the Universe will come back to us through the Law of Karma.
  • Laurel is not claiming 100% accuracy, because no one has all the answers all the time.
  • Laurel holds forth with the belief that there is one Supreme Being, a One to which all life is connected.

Meet Laurel's Family...

To further enhance her ability to aid clients in healing themselves, Laurel became a Clinical Hypnotherapist in 1997.  This certification enables her to assist those who desire to choose healthier lifestyles through readings, counseling, regression therapy, and releasing emotional & physical traumas acquired in present and/or past lives.  Clients also conquer addictions such smoking, alcohol and weight.

Laurel was Ordained in 2001 as an Interfaith Minister and has counseled people extensively in all areas of their lives including spirituality, business, health & interpersonal relationships. She has also officiated at numerous weddings and ceremonies.

Laurel is a Reiki Master & Mind Mastery Practitioner and though she has been a healer her whole life, her latest accomplishment was being certified as a B.E.S.T. Practitioner.
Laurel is widely sought after and recognized as a professional in her field.  She has been on many of Atlanta's local radio shows and is a published author.

Most importantly, through the mastering of many healing modalities, Laurel joyously expresses her Life's Purpose through helping others.

About Laurel...

Laurel is a second generation psychic who started exploring her own abilities at age 9 when her spiritual experiences became enhanced. 

She was mentored by various psychics in the northeast and started her practice as a Psychic when she was 14. She's working in the field for over 30 years, offering psychic readings, reiki and much more.

Laurel's life has been devoted to the study of Metaphysics, Spirituality, Religion and Alternative Thought, in addition to various healing techniques. Through the years, her psychic abilities have been repeatedly tested by many, including the American Association Of Professional Psychics, who certified & registered her with the U.S. Government in 1994. Since that time, Laurel has worked with and for many prestigious organizations & companies.